Japanese Notion of Beauty: Eyelid Surgery
In Japan there has been a rise in the number of Japanese women that partake in eyelid surgery, creating a cosmetic surgery culture that allows Japanese women to become desirable by western beauty standards. The purpose of eyelid surgery is to create open and larger eyes; this enhances the appearance of the eyes, conforming to the accepted standards of beauty and balance. In Japan, women are increasingly nipping and tucking, sucking and suturing, injecting, and implanting all in the quest to be better looking. Japanese women now are chasing the model of beauty that is western, due to the images that they are bombarded with by media, TV, and cosmetics. The practitioners of eye of eyelid surgeries in Japan have helped to contribute to the 100 million a year that is raked into the cosmetic surgery culture of Japan.
In the past, Asian countries like Japan have lagged behind the West in catching the plastic surgery wave, held back by cultural hang-ups, arrested medical skills, and a poor consumer base. However, that is not the case in the twenty first century as the need to fit into the mold constructed by images that tell Japanese women that they aren’t beautiful are broadcasted every thirty seconds. The eyes of Japanese women are viewed as incomplete, irregular, or broken depending on whose western opinion you ask. The image of beauty is the driving force behind desire for Japanese women to reconstruct the makeup of their physical appearance.
As Japanese women fine themselves on the operating table partaking in a procedure that takes less than ten minutes to perform, they have conformed to the ideal notion of beauty which favors the western “inclusivity.” For, Japanese women have always suffered for the beauty that the West idealizes, and monopolizes as the essential and only form of desired beauty.
“Meronk - Asian Double Eyelid Surgery - Not A Stock Operation.” http://www.drmeronk.com/blephnews/asianstock.html (Accessed May 7, 2010).
“Japan (JP) Eyelid Surgery - Plastic Surgery Portal.” http://immersivemedical.com/eyelid-surgery_japan_2.html (Accessed May 7, 2010).
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